Exempt specific nodes from target alerts

Hi all,
We have started the PagerDuty integration. We have a few agents that often end up in problem areas for troubleshooting.

My question is: Is there a way to exempt a specific agent or ‘pause’ it’s alerting without stopping the testing/targets?


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I’ve done some research on how to better handle routing of events within Pagerduty and it looks like what you asking for may be supported using Event Orchestration.

That option is available in the Automation → Event Orchestration section:

I tried adding a filter to Agent incident based on agent names like so by means of a Service Route:

Now depending on your specific use-case you may want to implement different rules but the general idea is there. If you need any help getting details on the schema of certain events let me know.

Please note that the Integration Key for the Automation part is different that the key provided on the “Service” level.

…and welcome to our community!

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