Updates on the Pagerduty Integration

As we ourselves, have been using the Pagerduty integration with NetBeez to monitor and get notified about our customer cloud instances’ availability, we’ve taken note of a few improvements we could make on this integration.

Notification types

First of all we are extending the number of notification types available to push to Pagerduty:

  1. Incidents on Agents, Targets and Wifi networks
  2. Device Alerts
  3. Target Alerts
  4. WiFi Alerts
  5. Agent Aggregate alerts
  6. Target Aggregate alerts
  7. WiFi Aggregate alerts

Automatic Incident Resolution


When an incident is opened, a deduplication key is generated and sent along with the INCIDENT_OPEN events to Pagerduty. Then the same deduplication key is used later on when the incident is resolved within NetBeez to also get resolved on Pagerduty. This was not something that was possible until now.


Similarly to the incidents, alerts are also associated with a generated deduplication key which serves the purpose of automatically clearing a Pagerduty incident when the corresponding alert is cleared.

Aggregate Alerts

The aggregate alerts is a new type of notification for the Pagerduty integration. The aggregate alerts are generated on any of three types of entities supported, Agent, Target or WiFi. If a test associated with an entity of any or all of the three types, triggers an alert, the all of the associated alert aggregator will be aggregating this alert in for the next batch of alerts reported.

When an aggregate alert is created for the first time on an entity, and the set of alerts includes at least a critical alert or a warning alert then the severity of the aggregate alert is set to critical, or warning which will open an incident in Pagerduty. Any subsequent aggregate alerts will be silenced under the same deduplication key, until all the alerts are cleared and the entity counters are all clear of critical alerts or warnings; then the Pagerduty Incident is cleared using the generated deduplication key.

Here’s how these events will appear on the Pagerduty dashboard:



Aggregate Alert

How This Impacts You

If you are utilizing Pagerduty for monitoring and managing devices within your network, these changes will provide you with more concise and meaningful information, aiding in faster decision-making and issue resolution.

We Want to Hear From You

If you are using Pagerduty with NetBeez, we’d love to hear how it is helping your day-to-day workflow. Your feedback is valuable to us and helps in shaping the tools that support your needs. Feel free to reach out and share your experience.