Looking to see if the NetBeez agent supports being install on Arista and if anyone has it running well.
I found this about EOS Running a Guest VM on EOS (site.com)
Looking to see if the NetBeez agent supports being install on Arista and if anyone has it running well.
I found this about EOS Running a Guest VM on EOS (site.com)
Hi @mikecoffey85,
First of all, welcome to the community!
We haven’t tested this on an actual Arista Switch, but looking through the documents, you should be able to easily install a Debian image on it (look at the .qcow2
image files from here: Index of /images/cloud/bullseye/20230717-1444) and then run our agent install script:
curl -O https://netbeez-public.s3.amazonaws.com/agent_artifacts/agent_deploy.sh
sudo env URL="https://netbeez-public.s3.amazonaws.com/agent_artifacts/nbagent_virtual-model-ova_1b014e5d_12.0.3.tar.gz" \
SECRET="<secret_key_received_via_email>" bash agent_deploy.sh && \
sudo bash /usr/local/netbeez/agent_cleanup.sh && \
sudo bash /usr/local/netbeez/ova_modify_interfaces.sh
Check out the instructions on how to install an agent Option 2: Install on Virtual Appliance.
Hope this helps, and let us know how it works out.
Hi @mikecoffey85 ,
I’m an SE at Arista, and I just ran through this process to confirm that Arista EOS supports NetBeez agent installation and functionality. However, I would recommend using the Docker method (Option 3 - Docker Container) versus the VM method since both are supported. The VM deployment method would work fine on EOS, but Docker containers have a few benefits that make that option stand out. Docker containers are typically much smaller than a VM, with less resource requirements. In addition, Docker containers are also very fast to provision and boot.
Arista switches support Docker installation as an extension, so you would first need to go to www.arista.com to download the extension. Navigate to Support > Software Download, and expand the drop-down for Extensions. It is important to match the extension version to the version of EOS you are currently running on your Arista switch. There are multiple download options available per EOS release. You will want to download the one with this name format: EOS64-4.x.xM-docker.swix. Once downloaded, this file needs to be copied into the /mnt/flash directory of the switch before installing the extension. You can find details for this process here.
Once the extension is uploaded and installed, you would then drop into bash, start the Docker service, and verify Docker is running. See below example from my lab:
Arista Networks EOS shell
[jd@SW1 ~]$ sudo su
bash-4.2# service docker start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service
bash-4.2# service docker status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status docker.service
- docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-07-24 12:16:04 EDT; 15s ago
Docs: https://docs.docker.com
Once Docker is confirmed to be running, you should then follow the steps outlined in the video from Option 3 - Docker Container. Once this is completed, your new agent should be visible in the NetBeez Dashboard. If you encounter an issue, I would be willing to help.