Error codes in csv exported test results

Hi. I think I have got this data, but can not find it.

I would like to have error codes of the data presented in the csv when I export some test result to csv.

Thanks and regards.

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Hi Aleksandar!

We have not published the list of errors and messages in the documentation yet, but I have compiled it for you here. Hope this is useful!

# PING errors

'100': "no error" # no error

'142': "Port test generic error"

'143': "Host/port provided invalid"

'144': "Port test host unresponsive"

'145': "Port test host unresolvable"

'146': "Port closed"

'147': "Time out"

'148': "Port command not found"

'149': "Port command cannot fork"

'190': "" # message comes from generated error, no string stored on the agent

'191': "Message too long (check MTU)"

'192': "Network is unreachable"

'193': "ICMP too short packet received"

'194': "ICMP duplicate packet received"

'195': "Time out"

'196': "host not found"

'197': "ping command not found"

'198': "ping command cannot fork"

'199': "Unknown error"

# DNS errors

'200': "no error" # No error

'293': "" # message comes from generated error, no string stored on the agent

'294': "DNS server couldn't be reached"

'295': "DNS invalid server address"

'296': "Time out"

'297': "DNS server returned no results"

'298': "DNS command not found"

'299': "DNS command cannot fork"

# HTTP errors

'300': "no error" # no error

'396': "" # message comes from generated error, no string stored on the agent

'397': "HTTP command not found"

'398': "HTTP command cannot fork"

'399': "HTTP unknown error"

# Traceroute errors

'494': "Traceroute max hops reached"

'495': "Traceroute bug (seg fault with --mtu option)"

'496': "Time out"

'497': "Traceroute host not found"

'498': "Traceroute command not found"

'499': "Traceroute command cannot fork"

# Path Analysis errors

'900': "No error"

'994': "Path Analysis test host unresolvable"

'995': "Path Analysis command cannot fork"

'996': "Path analysis test host unresponsive"

'997': "Time out"

'998': "Path analysis command not found"

'999': "Path analysis test unknown error"

'400': "Agent returned no value or error"
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