Enable SSL websocket on Netbeez

Good morning,

I have an onPremise instance of the dashboard and physical agents deployed in other buildings. We would like to enable the SSL websocket for communications between agents and dashboard on port 443 only.

Do you know how to do to enable this feature ?


Axel T.

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Hi Axel,

If you have root access to the server, then you can (as root) edit this file: /opt/netbeez/user_data/env_files/nb-commsrv.env and add (or replace) this line:


You can then run this command to restart the communications service:

nb-docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --no-deps nb-commsrv

You can then verify that the websocket server is up and listening for new connections by looking for this line in /var/log/netbeez/nb-commsrv.worker.log

New Websocket server: true

I hope this helps!


Good morning Anton,

Thanks for your reply. Your solution looks like good, our agents are transmitting datas. However, one of them is down on the dashboard, we don’t know at this time if it’s a config problem or a network problem. We will conduct internal tests to find out where the problem comes from.
