WiFi hardware sensor is assigned to a WiFi profile but the real-time or scheduled tests are not returning any data

Symptom: No data is returned when you click a real-time test.

Possible cause: This is a situation that can happen when a wifi profile that was assigned to the agent is unable to find a broadcasting SSID. You can validate that in several ways:

  1. Scan SSIDs in range to verify the network is available
  2. Check the wifi connection timing results
  3. Check the WPA supplicant logs

Troubleshooting method #1: SSID in range

  1. Go to the agent details view,
  2. Select the wireless sub-tab, and
  3. Run an SSID scan and verify that the configured SSID is available: the SSID name is either not broadcasting or mispelled.

Troubleshooting method #2: Check the wifi connection timing

  1. Go to the agent details view,
  2. Select the wireless subtab, and
  3. In the WiFi Timing widget, hover the mouse on the last connection attempt and see if you can find a message such as “No suitable network found (WPA supplicant terminated)”.

Troubleshooting method #3: Verify WPA supplicant logs

  1. Go to the agent details view,
  2. Select the wireless subtab, and
  3. Scroll down to the logs section: In the “Filter by source” dropdown select WPA_Supplicant and search for a message that states ”wlan0: No suitable network found”.

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